Diagnose at Home: a home fertility test for couples, women or men

Frustrated with family planning? Finding it hard to conceive? Infertility is a painful problem for both men and women. Many are uncertain how to go about investigating causes of infertility. Our range of home fertility tests for couples make it easy to check male and female fertility levels and get specialized medical advice without having to visit a clinic. Discovering the root causes of infertility can be done.

If you and your partner are experiencing fertility problems and struggling to have a baby, you are not alone. A recent study shows that over 1 in 5 people struggle with infertility in North America. Many of these infertile couples are also unsure where to go for fertility testing, let alone be able to afford it (or the treatments that may be required in order to conceive).

An inability to conceive following one year of regular, unprotected sex is an indication of male or female infertility – where the woman is under age 35. That amount of time reduces to 6 months if the woman is 35 years or older. Infertility may result from a fertility issue with either a male or female partner, or a combination of factors that interfere with pregnancy.

Now you don’t have to guess - or go all the way to the clinic for a fertility test. You can order a fertility test for either men or women through Diagnose at Home – and take it easily in the privacy of your own home. You’ll get detailed results delivered to you confidentially by phone or email by a trusted medical professional. Where imbalances, hormonal problems and/or infertility is detected, our nurses are standing by to connect you to the right medical advice fast.

Male and female infertility can be caused by various factors including egg quality or problems with sperm or egg production. Infertility could also be affected genetics, age, or too much exposure to certain chemicals and toxins. Underlying systemic disease may also result in infertility.

You may be infertile if you are a woman who is:

  • under 35 and unable to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse.
  • 35 to 37 and unable to conceive after 6 months of regular, unprotected intercourse
  • over 37 and trying to conceive

Infertility in women can also result from:

  • polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • endometriosis and adenomyosis (tissue that is normally found only in the uterus is found outside the uterus on the ovaries or other pelvic organs)
  • blocked fallopian tubes
  • fibroids
  • exposure to sexually transmitted infections
  • cancer treatments (e.g., chemotherapy or radiation)
  • smoking
  • obesity
  • excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption

Infertility in men can result from:

  • scrotal varicocele (varicose vein around a testicle)
  • retrograde ejaculation
  • undescended testis
  • exposure to sexually transmitted infections
  • cancer treatments (e.g., chemotherapy or radiation)
  • smoking
  • obesity
  • excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption

With men, age does not affect fertility the same way as it does for women – yet it is still a factor. The quality of sperm (and testosterone levels) may decrease as a man ages.

A home fertility tests can give couples an early warning that something is wrong. Beginning with a home test to check for imbalances, undetected conditions and problems with egg and sperm count arms couples with essential information they need if they want to have children. Knowledge is power and by better understanding hormones, reproduction and fertility you will be better able to plan your family and future.

Our fertility tests are easy to administer at home with results delivered back to you via email or a call with a healthcare professional within just a few days. You’ll get caring, confidential support each step of the way and tailored advice to overcome hormonal or fertility issues and get you back on track with making babies.

Improve your health in four easy steps.

Order your test kit online, have it delivered to you.

Collect your sample and return by pre-paid courier to us.

Our physicians will analyze your results.

View & track your health improvements.

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